• Zulaeni Esita Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari
  • Muhammad Syukri Siradjuddin Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Rohmiati Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari
Keywords: awareness, child sexual abuse (CSA), teachers, parents


This study is a preliminary investigation to find out teacher and parents’ knowledge of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA), to find out teacher and parents attitudes towards CSA prevention education in school, and to find out what CSA topics that have been taught by teachers and parents with their children in Kendari. The data were collected by using questionnaires with 627 total respondents. The results revealed that the knowledge of teachers and parents’ CSA in Kendari is of average level.  59,6% of teacher and parents have enough information about CSA.  Despite the average knowledge, they have a positive attitude (80.7%) towards CSA prevention education in school.  Most of them (54.5%) report that they already implemented CSA prevention education for their children. Majority of teachers and parents (75,28%) admits to have heard about cases of CSA in Kendari.  Most of them obtained information from TV/electronic media (44,54%), stories being passed around the neighborhood (19,33%), and from the other sources: newspapers, closed family, relatives, and children’s school.  One of the sexual abuse cases which has been widely circulated among the respondents is a stepfather or a teacher who allegedly sexually harasses his child, and majority of people have committed CSA are from close family, such as: stepfather, teacher, neighbor, family friends, uncle, grandfather, or parent’s grocery subscription. 

Keywords: awareness, child sexual abuse (CSA), teachers, parents


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