Classification of Electroencephalogram Generated by Brain for Analysis of Brain Wave Signals in Students Depression

  • Aditya Dimas Aditya Dimas
Keywords: EEG, emotion, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Artificial Neural Network, backpropagation


Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a brain signal processing technique used to detect abnormal brain waves. EEG signal recording uses electrodes placed on the scalp. AD620 is used to obtain high input impedance. The EEG signal is amplified by transmitting the signal into the notch filter, high pass filter and low pass filter to improve the quality of the signal such as eliminating and reducing noise. EEG recording focuses on analyzing alpha waves to determine whether the subject is students who suffering depression. For cases of depression, the lobes of the brain placed electrodes are the Occipital and Parietal lobes of the brain. The selection of participants in this study was based on the results of tests using the Student Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) method. The results obtained after recording EEG showed there was theta wave shaped abnormally large and abnormal alpha wave who shaped abnormally large.



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How to Cite
Dimas, A. (2022). Classification of Electroencephalogram Generated by Brain for Analysis of Brain Wave Signals in Students Depression. International Journal of Engineering Technology and Natural Sciences, 4(2), 95 - 101.