Decision Support System to Determine Higher Education Resource Needs Using Accreditation Assessment Standards

  • Damar Prasetyo
Keywords: decision support system, information system, user interface


Accreditation is an activity to evaluate the eligibility of programs and academic units based on predetermined criteria. In an educational institution, accreditation is an important thing to do to improve quality in the field of education because the aim is to improve quality which includes all aspects of education in the form of science, administration, as well as teaching, and educational staff. College managers really need a decision support system that can produce several alternative strategic decisions quickly and accurately. The existence of decision support system tools used to make strategic decisions makes the manager's work lighter and the results are more accurate. In this study, a decision support system approach was applied to determine the resource requirements of tertiary institutions using accreditation assessment standards consisting of a management subsystem model, data management subsystem, and user interface management subsystem. The result of the research is a design of a decision support system that can be used in an educational institution for determining the need of higher education resources.


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How to Cite
Prasetyo, D. (2022). Decision Support System to Determine Higher Education Resource Needs Using Accreditation Assessment Standards. International Journal of Engineering Technology and Natural Sciences, 4(2), 175 - 184.