Food Distribution Models to Determine Distribution Routes, Distances and Costs

(In Progress)

  • Azhara Syaina Ulfa Serang Raya University, Serang, Indonesia
  • Heru Winarno Serang Raya University, Serang, Indonesia
Keywords: Agricultural Sector, Distribution Model, Saving Matrix and Nearest Neighbor


The agricultural sector is one of the sectors that has an important role in supporting the Indonesian economy. The agricultural sector in Indonesia needs to continue to be developed in line with population growth and technological developments to increase agricultural production. The problem that occurs is handling so that deficit areas will get supplies from surplus areas, so good food distribution is needed to aggregate and distribute these supplies as needed so that the basic needs of the community are met fairly and equitably. To overcome this, a food distribution model is needed to be able to accumulate the process of distributing food products, especially rice from commodity warehouses to 9 warehouses spread across Serang Regency, as a solution to the problems that occur and aims to achieve low cost efficiency by determining efficient and optimal routes, distances, and distribution costs using the Saving Matrix method  and Nearest Neighbor. Based on this method, 3 routes were formed with a total distribution distance of 294.5 km. The allocation of vehicles used is 3 units of tronton trucks with a capacity of 45 tons. The distribution cost needed is Rp.1.934.866,- every day or Rp.58.045.980,- per month in other words the cost requirement every year is Rp.696.551.760,-

Keywords: Agricultural Sector, Distribution Model, Saving Matrix and Nearest Neighbor


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How to Cite
Syaina Ulfa, A., & Winarno, H. (2024). Food Distribution Models to Determine Distribution Routes, Distances and Costs: (In Progress). International Journal of Engineering Technology and Natural Sciences, 6(1).